Monday, August 25, 2008

Owairaka Primary' blog

Thank you for all your good ideas on Tuesday.
Here is our library's blog.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The course is happening now!

I'm really enjoying working with you all today, and hope you're getting lots out of the course. Looking forward to investigating creating your virtual presence with you this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Display inspirations

Elaine Pearson, at Horowhenua School, has a blog which shows the displays she's created for their library. Check it out and be inspired at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Designing quality learning spaces

The Ministry of Education has just delivered to schools five documents outlining guidelines to be considered when designing quality learning spaces. The series is comprised of:
Designing Quality Learning Spaces: Introduction and Interior Design, Function & Aesthetics;
Designing Quality Learning Spaces: Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality;
Designing Quality Learning Spaces: Heating & Insulation;
Designing Quality Learning Spaces: Lighting;
Designing Quality Learning Spaces: Acoustics;
and is a joint publication between the MoE and BRANZ Ltd (Building Research Australia New Zealand). The documents are also available from the MoE's website as downloadable PDFs.
The books cover all areas of schools, so will be an essential resource if you are building or remodelling your library, or any other area.
Your task is to locate these resources and identify any references to the school library!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Design tips

This brief article outlines some simple design tips to be considered when building or remodelling a library.

Although the vendors listed are American, you could gain some fantastic ideas from looking at the examples. Check out Creative Arts Unlimited - wow, wow, wow!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I'm very sorry that the course had to be postponed, but am back on board now, so will be posting regularly as August 19th approaches.
National Library has published a number of Information Guides, to support schools as they develop their library and information services. The guide that supports building or remodelling a school library can be found here:
Please bring this with you to the course as we will refer to it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Welcome to the course!

Welcome to the blog for 'Places and spaces: Creating 21st century school libraries'. This blog will contain a number of things - entries journalling my exploration of 'Second life', including creating my avatar librarian, links to websites, articles and You Tube clips.

Here's something to get you thinking about the requirements for school libraries now.

This School Library Journal article challenges us to create libraries for the future, not 'new old libraries' e.g. traditional spaces with some technology thrown in. Are we guilty of this? Its something to think about....

Looking forward to meeting you at the course in June.